So, I enjoy video games. One of my favorite games is Metal Gear Solid. You fight against a mechanical dinosaur with freaking rockets and machine gun turrets, using only Snake's terrifying raspy voice, his intense mullet, and a cardboard box. And some guns too.
One of my fondest memories as a young gamer was the fight against Psycho Mantis, where he could 'predict' your every move, until you plugged your controller into the 2nd player port. Mind BLOWN. Though every boss battle in that game was so satisfying. I mean, you fight a tank, a Helicopter, a guy who reads your mind, another guy who carries around a freaking fighter plane gun turret like a super soaker, and REPTAR, with basically a pistol. The story is A+ too.
Anyway, dis is what I got for you.
What was your favorite vidja game growing up? Let's get some interaction up in here.