Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Squids n' Such

Hookay. So You may have noticed that I haven't been posting for a while. I know, I know, for a project started with such conviction and zest, it kind of has bombed. Meh.

As a sign of repentance please accept this squid. He is dapper.

I'm Baaaackkkk

Okay, so I realize that it has been some time since I have blogged. A by 'some time' I mean months.
Shame. But I have a valid excuse. Maybe. I have a new 'big girl' job. It's kept me kind of busy. That and my scanner is on the top shelf of my closet so actually scanning my doodles has become incredibly inconvenient. I'm a lazy animator, whaddya want? It also explains why Hank is sideways. (lazy)

But, Here's a lil nugget to entertain you whilst I travel back in blog time to post older doodles.