Having been raised in the country, and around horses, I have a strong appreciation for cowboys, and western things in general. I'm talking mostly the equestrian aspect, barrel racing, horse shows, fancy hats, silver buckle, horses, etc. The idea of cowboys is so badass though, roughing it while you're herding cattle, endless hours trail riding through picturesque landscapes, eating loads of beans... I mostly just enjoy drawing silly cowboys and horses making funny faces. Well, really anything making funny faces, but horses especially.
Blame it on my childhood which consisted of mucking out stalls, grooming horses, trail riding, barrel racing and trail class. If memory serves, I could ride a horse before I could ride a bike. I was better at horseback riding anyway. Horses never ran into trees, and into ditches. Now that I have become a city slicker, the only thing I ride is the subway and the occasional bus. But I still look back on my cow girl days fondly.
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