If you aren't familiar with the term "bro", allow me to enlighten you. They are a class of dude, who have bad tattoos, listen to awful music, talk about game stats, drink enough beers to down a baby elephant, and have the social graces of a rhino. Also, every other word out of their mouths typically is "Bro" or "Dude".
My particular brood of bros love to wrestle at 2 am, throw bottles from their windows, and listen to bass heavy music. In short, they are a bunch of jack asses. And I don't toss that word around lightly. Usually I have an understanding with the bros. I take the same approach with them as I do with bees. I won't bother them, and they won't bother me.
Today's doodle is one that illustrates bros, at what they do best. Being Bros.
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