As someone who hails from the North, I prefer cooler weather. I'm pretty sure this is no secret. So, when it's September, and it's 86 degrees and really humid, and I'm lugging my newly acquired bounty from Maine up a giant hill, I don't fare too well. Generally, what you'll see from me is something like the doodle pictured above.
When you pair these atmospheric conditions with consuming chili that requires the use of a haz-mat suit to prepare it, it's not pretty. However, I dominated bowl after bowl of delicious chili, and acquired a new skill. Fire breath. Every burp has been a painful reminder of the molten beef and bean mix that I consumed. Do I have any regrets? Only one. That I didn't eat more.
I would be lying dear viewers, if I said that I drew this today. I actually doodled this lil' something back when Boston was experiencing a heatwave of most sweaty proportions. So sometime in August(?). However, as you're well aware, I'm awful at blogging, and lazy. So this is what you get. Enjoy it. Or don't. Don't sweat about it. I've already done plenty of that.
In other blog news... send me doodle requests. It's not that I've run out of ideas,but I want to know what YOU want to see. Do it. I dare ya.
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